Friday, December 16, 2011

Alma update 12/16/2011


Here is a summary of what I have been experiencing.  Ever since my transplant in May I have been getting hot flashes.  I had gone through menopause in 2005 after chemotherapy due to lung cancer.  The doctors have no idea why I am experiencing the 20 to 30 hot flashes I was having a day.  At least 8 to 10 of them were during my sleeping hours of which I was waking up every time because they were so severe.  Anyways the solution to the hot flashes was an anti-depressant.  I went on it and that shot my blood pressure up.  I started taking blood pressure medicine and had an allergic reaction.  I felt like I was walking on stilts and my legs were constantly hurting and they started stinging a lot.   I took a look at my legs and there were bright red and hot to the touch.  I was bedridden for over 2 days.  Needless to say I stopped taking those meds and now I am on another one. Hopefully this one will work.  I will not even get into my sleeping patterns.  Let's just say that we had to experiment with different doses and I believe that is squared away.  However, these are just minor symptoms as compared to where I was last year at this time.

Forever grateful to God, the donor family, my parents (my earth angels) and my breath!

Celebrate Life,

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Borrowed Time TV Show on Organ Transplants


Borrowed Time is a docu-drama that puts organ donors and recipients in contact with one another. The show is hosted by Damon Gault who is himself the recipient of a heart transplant.


Each episode captures the heartache, gratitude and life transforming stories resulting from an organ donation. Damon interviews both recipients and donors, prying deeper into their narrative, discovering what events led the person to confront the brutal reality of a failing organ.

Please watch a preview right here or on Facebook at Borrowed Time.

You can also like the page on Facebook to see when this will be on Television.  Contracts were signed last week.

Thank you Damon for your work on bringing awareness of organ transplants to the public.

David please join me in

Celebrating Life,

Saturday, December 3, 2011

PFF Research Fund to Cure Pulmonary Fibrosis


The Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (PFF) announced that it has established the PFF Research Fund to Cure Pulmonary Fibrosis, a fund created to support research that will assist in the development of successful therapies for pulmonary fibrosis (PF).  For more information please go to or click here.

Celebrate Life,